The Weekend Church of Jesus Christ Main Homepage

About us
Church Constitution
Church Mission
Church Vision
Flags of the Church
The Books of Holy Scripture
The Weekend Church is a non-denominational at-home Bible Study organization.  We are non profit and solely exist as an entity in which Christians the world over can organize study groups more effectively and biblically.  We, currently do not have any brick and mortar churches.  The church, instead, is the people of the Weekend Church community.

The Weekend Church was established by Samuel England on November 3, 2009.  His goal is to bring christians together no matter the denomination, no matter their beliefs, in order to unify all Christians, great and small, rich or poor, strong and weak, and end the divisions Satan has inflicted upon those who believe the truth.

Prepare yourselves, grow in knowledge.  For you don't know the day or hour that Christ will return.
No one is the head of the church except for Jesus.  No man, no pastor, no Pope.  Just Jesus alone.
-Samuel England
About the Church Positions (in layman's speak)
There are many positions within the leadership of the Weekend Church.  Here they are described in fullest detail.  Remember, no one is above anyone else.  These are merely administrative positions to enable the church to function as a proper organization.

Supreme Overseer
The Supreme Overseer is the person who manages this website, helps individual churches with policies and internal conflicts, and helps educate the members through the scripture via articles on this site.  The position will end by the vote of a 3/4 majority tosses them out.  If the supreme overseer disappears without letting anyone know for more than one month than it is to be assumed that the position has been abandoned and a new one may be installed.

This is a person who founds a church.  They make policy decisions for their particular church.  The policy decisions of the Supreme Overseer are written specifically for them to take into consideration but aren't mandatory for them to follow.  They are merely created to help create unity and uniformity between the groups.  They may create websites for their own church as well.  They can also delegate this position to a deacon if they so choose.  Outside of this position they are just deacons.

The Deacon is in charge of community work outside of the study group, such as organizing events, missions, donations, etc.  At this point their plans must be approved by the complete leadership (Overseer/Deacons/Bishops) of their group.

A bishop is a person who aids the deacons and overseers in teachings as well as handles teaching of the youth.

Requirements for all these positions are outlined in the Church Constitution.  Beyond these established positions we have:

A person who goes out into foreign countries in order to spread the Gospel and make a positive impact in lands that do not have Christ.

A person who is actively engaged in learning from the Bible, this is the position given to members of the church not in the above positions.

Youth Disciple
A person, under the age of 20, who is actively engaged in learning from the Bible.

These positions are determined by the individual themselves and are not elected except for the position of Supreme Overseer, who will be the person best seen to represent the church outside of church meetings.